What is your name?
If your name is not listed, please email Da'Ja Hill [ hilldaja@iu.edu ] and request to be added.
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Adams, Brittany - ba25@iu.edu Ahanadeen, Naheeda-frizah@iu.edu Amos, Laura -lkamos@iu.edu Anders, Jessica -jemlynn@iupui.edu Anderson, Jennifer - jma3@iu.edu Anderson, Julie - judander@indiana.edu Averill,Sam-srheidri@iu.edu Barnes, Shannon - shanbarn@iupui.edu Bendy, Lisa - lbendy@iu.edu Birdsong ,Stephanie-stanbird@iu.edu Bjerregaard, Jeff - jbjerreg@iu.edu Bocanegra, Ashley-asdoca@iu.edu Bohart, Bre - bbohart@iu.edu Bouch,Jillian-jrbouck@iu.edu Buell,Liz-lizbuell@iu.edu Brooks, April-apbrooks@iu.edu Brooks,Kelsie-km27@iu.edu Campbell, Patrick- ptc@iu.edu Cesar, Laura -lacesar@iu.edu Clem, Charles - cclem@iu.edu Cliton, Richelle, rclifto@iu.edu Cook, Kelli-kellcook@iu.edu Coughlin,Olivia-oacoughl@iu.edu Cox, Brenda -bcox2@iuhealth.org Creamean, Stephanie - stephac1@iu.edu Cunningham, Michelle - mimacunn@iu.edu Darby,Maney-madarby@iu.edu Davis, Brittany - davisbrc@iu.edu Dowell,Megan-megdowel@iu.edu France, Lisa -lfrance@iupui.edu Gallagher, Cari - carigall@iu.edu Grubbs, Eric -eegrubbs@iu.edu Dunn, Leanne -lkhernan@iu.edu Duncan, Elly-emckinse@iu.edu Hadaie,Bachar Samir- bhadaie@iu.edu Hagen,Katelyn-hagenka@iu.edu Hartman,Ashley-hartman8@iu.edu Havard Jr, Mark -mhavard@iu.edu Hernandez-Perez, Marimar - mh46@iu.edu Herron, Dianne - dhwilson@iu.edu Heskett, Mary - mheskett@iupui.edu Hines, Abbey - achines@iu.edu Holloway,Sarah-hollowas@iupui.edu Howell, Jennifer - jemrich@iu.edu Ivy, Anna - alivy@iu.edu Jackson, Kelley -ksj4@iu.edu Jacob,Seethal-seejacob@iu.edu Jones,Nikki-ninjones@iu.edu Karra,Swathi-skarra@iu.edu Keihn, Kimberly - kkeihn@iu.edu Klipsch, Ann - aeye@iupui.edu Kennedy,Pope-kenpope@iu.edu LaMotte, Julia-julamott@iu.edu Laughlin,Alyssa -allaugh@iu.edu Legge, Megan -mlegge@iu.edu Lemont,Rachael- rlemont@iu.edu Limbach, Rachael - rlimbach@iu.edu Linton, Sahara-sslinton@iu.edu Lynch, Mary - lynchmk@iu.edu Lynch, Sheryl - slynch@iu.edu Mack,Laramine-lbrewer@iu.edu Malloy,Caeli-clmalloy@iu.edu Manchuca, Luz - lmachuca@iu.edu Mansfield, Kendal- kemansfi@iu.edu Markoff, Sophia-smarkoff@iu.edu McKibben,Angelica-atmckibb@iu.edu McKinney, Brett -brmmckin@iu.edu McPhie,Rieanna-rmcphie@iu.edu Medina, Gabriela - medinag@iupui.edu Meyer, Julia, meyerj@iupui.edu Miller, Amy-amym@iu.edu Miller, Chloe-cdm8@iu.edu Miller, Lucy - lucmille@iupui.edu Miller, Megan - mmm24@iupui.edu Mitscher, Gloria -gmitsche@iu.edu Moeller, Troy-tjmoelle@iu.edu Monaco,Gabriela-gamonaco@iu.edu Moors, Kelly -kmoors@iupui.edu Morlan, Wendy - wmorlan@iu.edu Mullen Montagano,Maureen -maamulle@iu.edu Mullett,Jennifer-mullettj@iu.edu Nafiseh,Amira-aanafise@iu.edu Naqvi,Kiran Zahra-knaqvi@iu.edu Nguyen,Brian-brianguy@iu.edu Oliver, Johnathan - joholive@iu.edu Orlando, Alyssa-alysorla@iu.edu Owensby, Rachel - rowensby@iu.edu Palop-Benlloch, Rachel - raqpalop@iupui.edu Parks-Schenck, Corinne - cparkssc@iu.edu Pattison,Bailey-baspatti@iu.edu Pencek, Jennifer -jpencek@iupui.edu Quetant, Sara -squetant@iu.edu Rakestraw, Amy - arakestr@iu.edu Rakow, Hannah- hsrakow@iu.edu Ragozzino, Emily -emragozz@iu.edu Rice, Caroline-ricece@iu.edu Robinson, Marylyn- mr13@iu.edu Rowe, Alia, alirowe@iupui.edu Ryan, Ellie- elmryan@iu.edu Saporiti,Hunter-hsaporit@iu.edu Satterfield,Siarra-leannesi@iupui.edu Sawyers, Cindy L - clsawyer@iupui.edu Schmitt, Morgan- moschmitt@iu.edu Servin, Veronica-veservin@iu.edu Shelly,Kimberly-kashelly@iu.edu Shockley,Hannah-hshockle@indiana.edu Shrum,Jacob-jshrum@iu.edu Spall, Maria - malnicho@iupui.edu Sparks, Christina -sparkscm@iupui.edu Spoerner,Deborah-dspoerne@iu.edu Staples, Olivia- ostaple@iu.edu Stonebraker, Lacey- lnstone@iu.edu Stumpf, Mary - mestumpf@iu.edu Stuart, Jennifer- jschafft@iu.edu Terrell,Jennifer-jkramey@iu.edu Thompson, Misty - misthomp@iupui.edu Tiller, Christina- ctiller@iu.edu Trotter, Lori - lashivel@iupui.edu Tudor, Betsy-bmtudor@iu.edu Tullar,Rachel-rtullar@iu.edu Uditsky,Nikki-tnw4@iu.edu Vargo, Debbie - dvargo@iu.edu Vaughn, Jessie - jevaugh@iu.edu Vetor, Ashley - abozell@iu.edu Walters,Lauren-lauwalte@iu.edu Waltz, Gail-gwaltz@iu.edu Watkins, Donna - dwatkins@iu.edu Warner,Sheridan-spwarner@iu.edu Whipps, Haley - hwhipps@iu.edu Whitener, Mackenzie whitener@iu.edu Whitt, Devin - devwhitt@iu.edu Williams, Amy - amyewill@iupui.edu Wilson, Sherry - slw2@iupui.edu Woerner, Stephanie - sestein@iupui.edu Yang,Fanmuyi-fy5@iu.edu Zapolski, Tamika,tzapolsk@iupui.edu
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What is the participant's MRN or Study ID number?
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What is the participant's first name?
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What is the participant's last name?
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What is the participant's Date of Birth?
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Today M-D-Y
Is the participant male or female?
Male Female
What ethnicity does the participant consider him/herself to be?
Hispanic / Latino Not Hispanic / Not Latino Unknown or Not Reported
What race does the participant consider him/herself to be?
American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian Black / Aftrican American Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander White Unknown or Not Reported More than one race
Has the participant been consented for this study?
* must provide value
What is the CRC protocol number?
If the protocol number is not on this drop down list, please send an email to Da'Ja Hill (hilldaja@iu.edu)
* must provide value
1132A - DiMeglio, L 1241A - Nebesio, T 1357A - DiMeglio, L 1394A - Renbarger, J 1416A - DiMeglio, L 1423A - DiMeglio, L 1496A - DiMeglio, L 1578A - DiMeglio, L 1581A - Renbarger, J 1614A - Molleston, J 1615A - Molleston, J 1667A - Andreoli, S 1673A - DiMeglio, L 1681A - Hannon, T 1684A - Case, J 1696A - DiMeglio, L 1699A - Molleston, J 1712A- Foroud, Tatiana 1721A - DiMeglio, L 1724A - Haddad, N 1725A - Haneline, L 1726A - Quinney, S 1733A - Cyders, M 1735A - Cote, G 1736A - Hannon, T 1741A - Molleston, J 1747A - Caine, K 1748D - Rex, D 1758D - Rex, D 1760A - DiMeglio, L 1768D - Tarvin, S 1771D - Griffith, C 1782A - Molleston, J 1784A - Haneline, L 1799A - Hannon, T 1807A - Foster, D 1808A - DiMeglio, L 1809A - DiMeglio, Linda 1810A - Brown, M 1826D - DiMeglio, L 1827D - Molleston, J 1828A - Tepper, R 1832A - Saavedra, H 1833A - Johns, S 1839A - Schilder, J 1844A - DiMeglio, L 1852A - DiMeglio, Linda 1865A - Wang, Y 1228A-Chalasani,N 1877D - Wolverton, S 1887A - Rickert, V 1890A - DiMeglio, L 1963A - Molleston, J 2018A - DiMeglio, L 2141D- Imel, E 2144A - Brown, C. 2066D -Eugster, E 2240A- Skaar, Todd 2367A - Haas, D 2533D -Steiner, S 2602A-Neyman, Anna 2610A-Wang, Ying 2621D-Pfefferkorn,M 2622D-Pfefferkorn,M 2673A-Fogel,Evan 2745D - Hannon 2758-DiMeglio,Linda 2781A -Sims,Emily 7001A - Poindexter, B 7002A - Poindexter, B 7003A - Papile, L 7004A - Poindexter, B 7005A - Papile, L 7006D - Sokol, G 7008A - Payne, R 2783A-Sims,Emily 2824D-Hulvershorn,Leslie 2827D-DiMeglio,L 2834A-O'Brien,A 7307A-Tepper,R 7010A - Davis, S 7014A - Shih, C 7015A - Renbarger, J 7016A - Robertson, K 7021A - Anderson, J 7022D - Vanderpool, C 7023D - Davis, S 7025D - Howenstine, M 7027D - Howenstine, M 7028D - Montgomery, G 7029D - Montgomery, G 7030D - DiMeglio, L 7031D - Montgomery, G 7032D - Hoyer, M 7033D - Hoyer, M 7034A - DiMeglio, L 7035D - Montgomery, G 7037A - Breinholt, J 7038D - Croffie, J 7039A - Payne, M 7040A - Papile, L 7041A - Montgomery, G 7042D - Chiraseveenuprapund 7043A - Montgomery, G 7044A - Leickly, F 7045D- Subbarao, G 7046A - Hannon, T 7047A - Hannon, T 7048A - Ott, M 7049A - Swigonski, N 7050A - Shih, C 7051D- Leickly F 7052D- Howenstine, M. 7054A - Payne, M 7055A - Robertson, K 7056A - Papile, L 7057A - Khalid, M 7058A - Robertson, K 7059D - Subbarao, G 7060A - Davis, S 7061D - Brown, C 7062A- DiMeglio, L 7065D - Hoyer, M 7066A - Davis, S 7067D - DiMeglio, L 7068A - Khalid, M 7069A - DiMeglio, L 7070D - Brown, C 7071A - DiMeglio, L 7072A - Chan, R 7073D - DiMeglio, L 7074A - Tholpady, S 7075D - Ren, C 7076D - Pfefferkorn, M 7077A - Renbarger, J 7078D - Montgomery, G 7079D - Subbarao, G 7080A - Brown, C 7081D - Molleston, J 7082A - Molina, C 7083D- Brown, C 7084D- Robinson, K 7085A - Nichols, K 7086A - DiMeglio, L 7087D - Stevens, J 7088D - Montgomery, G 7089D - Brown, C 7090A- Kloepfer, K 7091D - Molleston, J 7092D - Plager, D 7093D - Haas, D 7094A - Ren, C 7095D - Tarvin, S 7096D - Tarvin, S 7097A - Payne, M 7098D - Vanderpool, C 7099A - Tepper, R 7100A - Howenstine, M 7101A - DiMeglio, L 7102A - Tepper, R 7103A - Markel, M 7104D - DiMeglio, L 7105A - Bandyopadhyay, A 7106A - Payne, M 7107D -Montgomery, G 7108A - DiMeglio, L 7109D - Croffie, J 7110D - Croffie, J 7111A - Tepper, R 7112D -Stevens, J 7113A - Sanders, D 7114D - Payne, M 7115A - McFerron, B 7116D - Croffie, J 7117D- Montgomery, G 7118D- Davis, S 7119D- Vanderpool, C 7120D - Subbarao, G 7121A - Harris, M 7122D - Ren, C 7123D- Felker, M 7124A -DiMeglio, L 7125D- Montgomery, G 7126D- Montgomery, G 7127A - Kaplan, M 7128A - Payne, M 7129A -Bozic, M 7131D - Woerner, S 7132D -Fuqua, J 7133D - Nabhan, Z 7134D -Fuqua, J 7135A - Haggstrom, A 7136D- DiMeglio, L 7137D - Vanderpool, C 7138D - Payne, M 7139D - Sanders, D 7140A - Machogu, E 7141D - Pfefferkorn, M 7142A - Kloepfer, K 7143A - Woerner, S 7144D - Montgomery, G 7145D - Montgomery, G 7146A- DiMeglio, L 7147D- Ren, C 7148A- Ren, C 7149A- Sims, E 7150A- Davis, S 7151D- DiMeglio, L 7152A - Kloepfer, K 7153A - Harmon, H 7154A - Ren, C 7155A - Harmon, H 7156A- DiMeglio, L 7157A - Tepper, R 7158D - Rao, G 7159D- Ren, C 7160D- Montgomery, G 7161D- Imel, E 7162A- Sadhasivam, S 7163D- Molleston, J 7164D- Croffie, J 7165A - Molleston, J 7167D - Ren, C 7168A - Adams, Z 7169A - Mitchell, R 7170D -DiMeglio, L 7171A- Ren, C 7172A- Tepper, R 7173A- Chambers, J 7174D - Felker, M 7175D- Hulvershorn, L 7176D- Kloepfer, K 7177A- Haas, D 7178A - Sokol, G 7179A - Schwaderer, A 7180D - Pfefferkorn, M 7181D- Felker, M 7182A - Radhakrishnan, R 7183A - Chen, C 7184A -Adams, Z 7185A -Wood, J 7186D - Eugster, E 7187A -Ren, C 7188D - Chmiel, J 7189D - DiMeglio 7190A- Markham, L 7191D - Payne, M 7193D- Fuqua, J 7194A - Vitalpur, G 7195A - Hains, D 7196A- Maiers, J 7197D- Vanderpool, C 7198D - Ren, C 7199D- Ren, C 7200A - Chmiel, J 7201A - Chmiel, J 7203A - Ismail, H 7204A- O'Neil, K 7205D, Ren, C 7206A - Tarvin, S 7207A- Williams, A 7209D -Fuqua, J 7210A -Kloepfer, K 7212A - Chmiel, J 7213D - DiMeglio, L 7214A - DiMeglio, L 7215D- Molleston, J 7216A -Sadhasivam, S 7217D - Jin, J 7218D- Ren, C 7219D-Pfefferkon,M 7220A - John, C 7221D - Montgomery, G 7222A - Kloepfer, K 7223D- Molleston, J 7224A - Pitman, R 7225A - Hanson, E 7226A -Datta, D 7227A -Zhou, B 7228A -Winchester, P 7229D -Montgomery, G 7230D - Pitman, R 7231A-Molleston, J 7232A - Ren, C 7233A -Chmiel, J 7234A- Skaar, T 7235D - Chmiel, J 7236A - Williams, A 7237A - Wood, J 7238D - Kloepfer, K 7239A Payne, M 7240A -Coven, S 7241A-Jacob,S 7242D- Pfefferkorn, M 7243A- Ren, C 7244A - Jacob, S 7245A Ren, C 7246D Molleston, J 7247A Zapolski, T 7249A Payne, M 7250A Gordillo, G 7251A Markham, L 7252A Payne, M 7253A Gupta, S 7255D Vitalpur, G 7256D Parent, J 7257D Chmiel,James 7258D Chmiel,J 7260D Jackman,Christopher 7261A Considine,R 7262D Croffie,Joseph 7263D Krupp,N 7264D Chmiel,J 7267A Khalid,Myda 7268D Jackman,Christopher 7266A Pfefferkorn 7269A Kloepfer,Kristen 7270D Tarvin,Stacey 7272D Pitman,Ryan 7274D Felker,Marcia 7276A Schamberger,Marcus 7279A Molleston,Jean 7280A Ismail, Heba 7281D Molleston,Jean 7284A Kloepfer,Kirsten 7285D Fuqua, J 7286A, Machogu, Evans 7288A Jacob,Seethal 7289D Chmiel,J 7291D Vitalpur,G 7293D Chmiel,James 7296A Jacob,Seethal 7297A Jacob,Seethal 7299A Pfefferkorn,Marian 7301D Kloepfer,Kristen 7302D Stefanescu,Beatrice 7303D Steiner,Steve 7304D-Kloepfer,Kristen 7305A-Forno,Erick 7308A-Tarvin,S 7309D-Chmiel,James 7311D-Vitalpur,Girish 7312D- Zhang,Xiaoyi 7313D- Tarvin,Stacey 7314A-Averill,Sam Paroma 7316D-Steiner,Steve 7317D-Pfefferkorn,Marian 7318D-Steiner,Steven 7319D-Steiner,Steven 7320A-Chen,Chen 7321A-Rahrig,April 7323D-Parent,John 7324A-Kean,Adam 7327D-Jacob,Seethal 7329D-Zhang,Xiaoyi 7331A-Skiles,Jodi 7334A-Forno,Erick 7335D-Kloepfer,Kirsten 7344A-Tepper,Robert 7348A-Khalid,Myda 7350A-Khalid,Myda 7351A-Bozic,Molly 7353A-Sanders,Don 9071A - Poindexter, B 9072A - Poindexter, B 9073A - Poindexter, B
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