3 Weeks from now:
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Our standard shipping time for all orders is 3 weeks.
We can ship this kit request by: ______
If you need any supplies in this order prior to ______ , you must contact the NCRAD coordinator for this study: ssteidel@iu.edu.
Our standard shipping time for all orders is 2-3 weeks . If you need any items from this order expedited , Please indicate earliest date you will need supplies these supplies and write which items need expedited in the comment section
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Today M-D-Y
Please enter your email address here to receive a confirmation email after completing the survey:
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DO NOT REGISTER SUBJECTS/KITS IN ONCORE! Micronic DNA tube (0.75 ml Gray Cap) instructions: Scan plates using plate scanner. Copy/paste tube information (barcodes, tube position, and plate number) into attached file. Save file in Adx\1NCRAD Studies\ACTIVE Funded studies\ADC\Kit Requests. File Name: "[SITE] ADC DNA Barcodes [DATE]." CRC will email to site.
Study Site
* must provide value
2 - Boston University 3 - Case Western Reserve University 4 - Columbia University 6 - Emory University 7 - Massachusetts General Hospital 8 - Indiana University 9 - Johns Hopkins University 10 - Mayo Clinic 11 - Mount Sinai - MSADRC 11 - Mount Sinai - JJPVAMC ADRC 12 - New York University Medical Center 13 - Northwestern University 14 - Oregon Health & Science University 15 - Rush University Medical Center 16 - University of California, Davis 17 - University of California, Los Angeles 18 - University of California, San Diego 19 - University of Kentucky 21 - University of Pennsylvania 22 - University of Pittsburgh 25 - University of Texas, Southwestern MC 26 - University of Washington 27 - Washington University, St. Louis 30 - University of Southern California 31 - University of California, Irvine 39 - Stanford University 33 - Arizona Alzheimer's Center 35 - University of California, San Francisco 37 - University of Wisconsin 38 - University of Kansas 40 - Yale 41 - Florida-UF 41 - Florida-MSMC 41 - Florida-UMiami 42 - Wake Forest 43 - University of Michigan 46 - Nevada 48 - New Mexico 65 - Cleveland Clinic 68 - University of Alabama
Specimen Collection Type
* must provide value
Blood Brain Tissue Buffy Coat DNA
Specimen Collection Type
* must provide value
Blood Brain Tissue Buffy Coat DNA Saliva
Specimen Collection Type
* must provide value
Blood Brain Tissue Buffy Coat DNA Plasma
Specimen Collection Type
* must provide value
Blood Brain Tissue Buffy Coat DNA
Eric Steinberg
Boston University Alzheimer's Disease Center
72 East Concord Street
Robinson Building 7800
Boston, MA 02118
Phone: 617-358-5380
Case Western Reserve University
Sandra Siedlak
2103 Cornell Rd, Rm 5101
WRB 5101
Cleveland, OH 44106
Columbia University
Marielba Zerlin-Esteves
622 West 168th Street
PH 19th floor -Reception Desk
New York, NY 10032
Phone: 212-342-1536
Emory University
Sarah Malakauskas
Emory Brain Health Center, ADRC
6 Executive Park Drive
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone 404-712-6902
Massachusetts General Hospital
Olivia Umoren
Gerontology Research Unit
MGH East (49-2691)
149 13th Street
Charlestown, MA 02129
Phone: 617-726-6218
Massachusetts General Hospital
Gabriel Stalberg
Neurogenomics Laboratory & Parkinson Personalized Medicine
Brigham & Women's Hospital
Building for Transformative Medicine
60 Fenwood Road, 9th Floor, Room 9006B
Boston, MA 02115
Indiana University
Unknown contact information-Please provide
Johns Hopkins
Unknown contact information-Please provide
Mayo Clinic
Josie Williams
Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
200 First St SW
Rochester, MN 55905
Phone: 904-953-2843
Mount Sinai - MSADRC
Faye Sheppard
1399 Park Avenue, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10029
Mount Sinai - JJPVAMC ADRC
Kirsten Evans
James J. Peters VA Medical Center
130 W Kingsbridge Road
Research Building, 1F-01
Bronx, NY 10468
718-584-9000 x 1704
New York University
Ashley Clayton
NYU Langone Medical Center
145 East 32nd Street-2nd Floor
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 212-263-5108
Kate LaFroscia
Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine
300 E. Superior St., Tarry 8-775
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-503-5506
Oregon Health & Science University
Jennifer Marcoe
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Mailcode: UHN13
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: 503-494-9399
Rush University Medical Center
Ryan Johnson
Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center
1750 W. Harrison St.
Jelke Building, Suite 927N
Chicago, IL 60612
Lab: (312) 563-4422
University of California, Davis
Jeannine White
2805 50th Street Room 1434
Sacramento, CA 95817
University of California, Los Angeles
Unknown contact information-Please provide
University of California, San Diego
Chris Slowik
East Campus Office Building
9444 Medical Center Dr., Ste. 1-100
MC0948, 1st Floor
La Jolla, CA 92037-0948
Phone: 858-822-4800
University of California, San Diego
Robert Rissman
UCSD Rissman Lab
9500 Gilman Drive MC0624
MTF, Room 336
La Jolla, CA, 92093-0624
University of Kentucky
Barbara Martin
2199 Harrodsburg Road
Lexington, KY 40504-9385
Phone: 859-323-0494
University of Pennsylvania
Unknown contact information-Please provide
University of Pittsburgh
Ann Malia
4 West-Montefiore Hospital
3459 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-692-2700
University of Texas Southwestern
Unknown contact information-Please provide
University of Washington
Darvas Lab
University of Washington Neuropathology
300 9th Avenue
HRT Building - Room 718
Seattle, WA 98104
Washington University, St. Louis
Olga Valdez
4444 Forest Park Avenue
MSC 8134-66-5120
Saint Louis , MO 63108-2212
Phone: 314-747-2981
Washington University, St. Louis
David Carrell
BJCIH, Room 9202
425 S. Euclid Ave
St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: 314-362-2086
University of Southern California
Maya Slowinska
USC Keck Department of Neurology
1520 San Pablo St. Suite 3000
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Phone: 323-442-5775
University of California, Irvine
Ken Krisnasmit
1100 Gotschalk Medical Plaza
Irvine, CA 92697-4285
Phone: 949-824-6238
Attn: Joseph Rainey
Banner Alzheimer's Institute
2626 E River Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: (520) 694-4351
Ryan Richholt
Translational Genomics Research Institute
445 North Fifth Street, 5th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Phone: 602-343-8730
University of California, San Francisco
Cande Salazar
UCSF Memory and Aging Center
675 Nelson Rising Lane, NS192B
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone: 415-502-7550
University of Wisconsin
Attn: Monica VandenLangenberg
600 Highland Ave
CSC K6/463
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: 608-890-2219
University of Kansas
Kayla Meyer
Alzheimer's Disease Center
4350 Shawnee Mission Pkwy-MS 6002
Fairway, KS 66205
Phone: 913-945-5022
Veronica Ramirez
Stanford Neuroscience Health Center
213 Quarry Rd, 4th floor
Palo Alto, CA 94305
Phone: 650-721-2409
Victoria Kominek
Yale University
One Church Street, Suite 800
New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: 203-764-8100
University of Florida UF
Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases
Stacey White
3009 SW Williston Rd., Room 1150
Gainesville, FL 32608
University of Florida MSMC
Karen Velasquez
4302 Alton Road
7th floor, Suite 730
Miami Beach, FL 33140
University of Florida UMiami
Carlos Almirola
1695 NW 9th Ave
Suite 3208F
Miami, FL 33136
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Eric Fischer
First floor Sticht Center, Gerontology
Kulynych Center for Memory and Cognition Research
Medical Center Blvd.
Winston Salem, NC 27157
Phone: 336-713-2587
University of Michigan
Kyra Strachan
Michigan Brain Bank
400 North Ingalls Street
Rm. G179
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: (734) 647-7648
Sam Harvey
Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
888 W. Bonneville Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89106
New Mexico
Jeff Thompson
UNM Center for Memory and Aging
915 Camino de Salud NE
Domenici NRF 1311
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 272-8010
Cleveland Clinic
Unknown contact information-Please provide
University of Alabama
Chinara Dosse
UAB Alzheimer's Disease Center
1720 7th Avenue South, SC 640C
Birmingham, AL 35233
Phone: (205) 975-7017
Is the contact name above correct?
* must provide value
New Contact Name
* must provide value
This is the contact information for:
(Choose all specimen types that apply)
* must provide value
Is the shipping address above correct?
* must provide value
New Shipping Address
* must provide value
This is the shipping address for:
(Choose all kit types that apply)
* must provide value
Is the e-mail address above correct?
* must provide value
New E-mail Address
* must provide value
Total Number of Blood Kits Requested:
* must provide value
How many EDTA (Purple-Top) Tubes per kit
* must provide value
1 Tube per Kit
2 Tubes per Kit
3 Tubes per Kit
Total Number of Blood Kits Requested:
* must provide value
Total Number of Blood Kits Requested:
* must provide value
Kit 351: Each ADC Collection (2 EDTA, 2 NaHep) Kit Contains:
2 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml)
2 Sodium Heparin (Green-Top) Blood Collection Tube (10ml)
4 Collection tube labels
5 Site and PT ID labels
2 Kit Number labels
1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet
1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler
1 Small refrigerant pack
1 UN3373 Biological Substance Category B label
1 List of contents card
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
1 UPS Clinical Pack
Each ADC Collection Kit 10 Contains: (Kit 343.1)
1 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml)
1 Collection tube label
2 Site and PT ID labels
2 Kit Number labels
1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler
1 Small refrigerant pack
1 UN3373 Biological Substance Category B label
1 List of contents card
1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet
1 UPS Clinical Pack
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
Each ADC Collection Kit 20 (EDTA + PBMC) Contains:
1 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml)
1 Sodium Heparin (Green-Top) Blood Collection Tube (10ml)
2 Collection tube labels
3 Site and PT ID labels
2 Kit Number labels
1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler
1 Small refrigerant pack
1 UN3373 Biological Substance Category B label
1 List of contents card
1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet
1 UPS Clinical Pack
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
Each ADC Collection Kit 20 Contains: (Kit 344.1)
2 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml)
2 Collection tube labels
3 Site and PT ID labels
2 Kit Number labels
1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler
1 Small refrigerant pack
1 UN3373 Biological Substance Category B label
1 List of contents card
1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet
1 UPS Clinical Pack
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
Each ADC Collection Kit 20 Contains: (Kit 344.1) 2 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml) 2 Collection tube labels 3 Site and PT ID labels 2 Kit Number labels 1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler 1 Small refrigerant pack 1 List of contents card 1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet 1 UPS Clinical Pack 1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
Each ADC Collection Kit 30 Contains: (345.2)
3 EDTA (purple-top) blood collection tube (10 ml)
3 Collection tube labels
4 Site and PT ID labels
2 Kit Number labels
1 Small IATA shipping box with insulated cooler
1 Small refrigerant pack
1 UN3373 Biological Substance Category B label
1 List of contents card
1 Plastic biohazard bag with absorbent sheet
1 UPS Clinical Pack
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
Total Number of Blood Kits Requested: 25 Kits (1 quarterly kit)
Total Supplies:
2: Large Plastic Bag
100: Cryovials (2.0mL) with yellow cap (Sarstedt) (4 per subject)
4: Pre-printed aliquot tube labels per kit
3: Pre-printed Kit Number Label per kit
9: 25 cell cryoboxes (3 subjects per cryobox)
3: Large Plastic Biohazard Bags with an absorbent sheet
1: Return airbill pouch
1: Shipping box/Styrofoam container (large)
1: Warning label with dry ice sticker
1: UN3373 Category B label
1: Fragile label for outside shipping box
Do you need any Buffy Coat tubes?
* must provide value
How many Buffy Coat tubes do you need?
Do you need any NaHep (Green-Top) tubes?
* must provide value
How many NaHep (Green-Top) tubes do you need?
NCRAD requires self-standing polypropylene 30 ml tubes
Total Number of self-standing polypropylene 30 ml tubes requested
* must provide value
Total Number of 2ml Clear Capped cryovials (Sarstedt) requested
* must provide value
Number of Buffy Coat kits requested
* must provide value
Each ADC Buffy Coat Collection Kit Contains:
1 Cryovial (2.0 ml) with Clear cap (Sarstedt)
1 Aliquot tube label
1 4x5 Plastic Bag
Each ADC Buffy Coat Collection Kit Contains: (Kit 367.1)
2 Cryovial (2.0 ml) with Clear Cap (Sarstedt)
2 Aliquot Tube label
2 Kit Number labels
1 4x5 Plastic Bag
Each ADC Small Frozen Shipping Kit Contains: (Kit 363.1)
1 Shipping box/Styrofoam container (small)
1 Large Plastic Bag
3 Plastic Biohazard bag with absorbent sheet (small)
1 UPS Airbill Sleeve
1 UN3373 label
1 UPS Dry ice shipping label
Small Frozen Shipping Kits
* must provide value
NCRAD requires racked, 0.75ml gray capped Micronic cryovials
Total Number of NCRAD 0.75ml gray capped Micronic cryovials (Must be requested in multiples of 96)
* must provide value
Racks contain 96 tubes
Total Number of Saliva Kits Requested
Each Saliva Kit Includes:
1 Oragene Saliva Collection Tube
Do you need UPS Supplies?
* must provide value
Holds ambient samples for one subject
Holds 12 lbs of dry ice and up to three 25 cell cryoboxes. Internal dimensions 8" x 6" x 12", external dimensions 11" x 9" x 15"
Holds 45 lbs of dry ice and up to eight 25 cell cryoboxes. Internal dimensions 12" x 12" x 11 1/2", external dimensions 16" x 16" x 15 1/2"
NCRAD uses 2ml gray capped Micronic cryovials