Core Name
* must provide value
Core Director
* must provide value
Core Director Campus Address
* must provide value
Core Director e-mail
* must provide value
Core Director phone number
* must provide value
Is there an Associate Director or Facility Manager?
* must provide value
Name(s) and title(s) of Associate Director / Facility Manager (if applicable)
* must provide value
Please upload current biosketch(es) for the Associate Director and/or Facility Manager, as applicable.
* must provide value
Please list all Core Personnel (Name and Role)
* must provide value
Campus where your core is located
* must provide value
IUPUI, IU School of Medicine
IUPUI, outside IUSOM
Univ of Notre Dame
Other (provide institution, city, state)
If other, please provide campus location
* must provide value
Core Location - Building and room number
* must provide value
Narrative Description of the Core:
Definition of a CTSI Core: A CTSI Core is a facility that provides a needed service to CTSI investigators from more than one department enabling them to conduct their funded individual research projects more efficiently and/or more effectively. Cores should be designed to furnish a group of investigators with materials (but not materials that should be acquired and/or purchased by the investigators), training, determinations, data analysis, instrumentation, and/or quality control to enhance research and contribute to cost effectiveness. Cores should be open to all CTSI investigators and clearly demonstrate available staff and equipment devoted to the core work and the commitment to core services.
To show how your core supports science from more than one department, please describe:
1. Services provided (high level) and the reason for providing these services in a core setting (example: specialized equipment and/or distinctive expertise that would be difficult to duplicate in multiple labs).
2. What percentage of Core resources (personnel, equipment, etc) is available to users paying user fees versus that from specific projects, investigators, or centers that provide funding directly to the core?
3. Core Users - reported in the next section
* must provide value
Purdue CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
Univ. of Notre Dame CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
IU South Bend CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
IU Bloomington CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
IUPUI, IU School of Medicine (IUSOM) CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
(# of Users / Departments)
Other (provide institution, city, state) CURRENT Users
(# of Users / Departments)
Alternatively, you may upload a Word, PDF, or formatted Excel report of CURRENT USERS (to fit on one page when converted to PDF) containing this information:
-- Campus (Purdue, Notre Dame, IU South Bend, IU Bloomington, IUPUI - IUSOM, IUPUI - Outside IUSOM, or Other (including Institution, City, State))
-- # of Users per Institution
-- Departments of Users per Institution
(# of Users / Departments)
Univ. of Notre Dame ANTICIPATED Users
(# of Users / Departments)
(# of Users / Departments)
IU Bloomington ANTICIPATED Users
(# of Users / Departments)
IUPUI, IU School of Medicine (IUSOM) ANTICIPATED Users
(# of Users / Departments)
(# of Users / Departments)
Other (provide institution, city, state) ANTICIPATED Users
(# of Users / Departments)
Alternatively, you may upload a Word, PDF, or formatted Excel report of ANTICIPATED USERS (to fit on one page when converted to PDF) containing this information:
-- Campus (Purdue, Notre Dame, IU South Bend, IU Bloomington, IUPUI - IUSOM, IUPUI - Outside IUSOM, or Other (including Institution, City, State))
-- # of Users per Institution
-- Departments of Users per Institution
Describe regulatory considerations for your Core and your approach to ensuring regulatory compliance within the Core.
(e.g. Environmental Health and Safety, HIPAA, Biosafety, Animal Care and Use, Human Subjects, Research Integrity, Radiation Safety, etc.)
* must provide value
To qualify as a CTSI Core, the following policies must be defined and publicly available for inspection by Core users.
Policies are subject to annual review by the CTSI Core Oversight Committee.
1. Confidentiality
2. Cost Recovery/Payment -
---- If/when partial payments will be accepted
---- If/when payments will be waived altogether
---- If/when refunds will be given, such as when Core resources are utilized but the requested service cannot be completed.
---- Must include method of collecting payment from external users or when university account numbers are not available
3. Prioritization of work
4. Acknowledgement, publication and authorship expectations -
---- Guidelines for justifying work that is above technical expertise that warrants authorship
---- Crediting the Core in the acknowledgement section of any publication
---- Providing the Core details of any publications or grants arising out of work that uses Core resources
5. Conflict resolution -
Describes how the following issues will be handled:
---- Scheduling difficulties
---- Technical problems
---- Authorship disagreements
---- Quality issues
---- Other applicable
6. Submitting Material in Compliance with Regulatory Requirements -
States that material or health-related information submitted to a Core for analysis was obtained in compliance with current regulatory and legal requirements, that users comply with all safety standards (e.g. IRB, IBC, IACUC, etc.) and fully disclose the potential hazards of materials submitted to a Core.
Examples of acceptable core policies available upon request.
* must provide value
CTSI Cores must establish an Advisory Committee with membership that must include the following:
- The Core Director
- Associate Director / Facility Manager (if applicable)
- Chairperson:
---- must be outside the Dept. / Center in which the Core is based
---- must be appointed by the Dept. head or Center Director in which the Core is based
- At least 1 Technical Advisor
- At least 2 Core users
- The majority of members must be Outside the Core
Please provide the following information for your Core Advisory Committee Chair?
- Name
- Home campus, School, Unit, or Department
* must provide value
Is the Chair of your Committee outside of the core?
* must provide value
Your core advisory chair is required to be outside of your core. If there is reason that you cannot modify your advisory committee to meet this requirement please explain.
* must provide value
Is the Chair of your Committee a Core User?
* must provide value
Please list the following for all other committee members (including Core Associate Director/Facility Manager, if applicable):
- Name
- Role, including:
---- Core Associate Director
---- Core Facility Director
---- Committee Member
- Home campus, School, Unit, or Department
- Within the core or not
- Core user or not
- Technical adviser or not
* must provide value
The Advisory Committee must meet at least annually.
What is the frequency of Advisory Committee meetings?
* must provide value
More frequently than semi-annually
The Advisory Committee must review the following items. Please provide a sample agenda for your meetings demonstrating that you discuss each of the following:
i) Core utilization
ii) Core quality assessment/user satisfaction
iii) User fees
iv) Suitability of new services and equipment
v) Funding opportunities for the Core (Equipment
grants, Core Pilot grants, etc.)
* must provide value
The Committee's findings must be communicated to the Department Chair / Center Director in which the Core is based, and to the CTSI Oversight Committee (annually via the Renewal Application).
Please describe your method for ensuring that the Advisory Chair and/or Director communicates a summary of the above advisory committee items to the responsible Department Chair / Center Director at least annually.
* must provide value
A monitoring plan to assess the quality of services provided must be developed. In addition, a mechanism for assessing user satisfaction must be developed prospectively and must be reviewed at least once a year.
User satisfaction surveys should be administered at least annually and address (at minimum):
a) Timeliness of work
b) Address of conflict resolution
c) clarity of charge backs and clarity of payment (full/partial/refund),
d) publication/authorship policies.
Please upload a document demonstrating a quality and user satisfaction survey.
* must provide value
Please name the Business Office and/or University Official that approves your rates.
* must provide value
Provide a document listing your menu of services and rates (internal and external, if applicable) for each.
* must provide value
Are rates for services on your website current and/or readily available to users?
* must provide value
Please explain
* must provide value
Have your rates been SUBMITTED to your Business Office and/or University officials?
* must provide value
If rates have not been submitted, please describe your plans for submission.
* must provide value
The Core applicant must identify the financially responsible unit that will cover core expenses in case of shortfall.
Which School, Division, Department or Center will be ultimately responsible for the financial shortfalls of the Core, if any?
* must provide value
Form / Example of Attestation page requested below is attached.
Please upload (template attached above) a document containing printed names and signatures for the following:
1. Core Director attestation that the application is accurate
2. Core Advisory Chairperson attestation that the Core Advisory Committee will provide oversight as directed in the Core Advisory Committee section of this application
3. School, Division, Department, or Center attestation accepting fiscal responsibility for the Core
* must provide value
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