
Welcome to the new study submission form for the AMPATH research program. The following form should be completed by investigators who are developing new research proposals for implementation in collaboration with Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH). The information provided in this form will be routed to AMPATH's Research Working Groups and/or Cores for review. AMPATH's Research Working Groups and Cores play an important role in helping researchers develop research concepts into competitive research proposals. The following form is the first step in submitting your research concepts and proposal for review.

What to know . . .

Before you start the submission process, we strongly encourage you to review AMPATH's policies and procedures for research project and grant development. The policies and procedures describe the requirements for submitting new studies for review by AMPATH's research working groups and cores along with specific requirements for study budgets. International trainees have additional requirements they will need to meet prior to conducting new research at AMPATH.


If you have any questions about the submission process or requirements, please contact the Research Program Office, research.manager@ampath.or.ke, for assistance. The Research Program Office is happy to schedule a time with you and your team to provide a brief overview and training on this system and answer any questions you might have about AMPATH's policies and procedures for research.

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